
Well it is Monday and that means it is facts day with some how the hell do they know that facts from The Great Book of Knowledge that I am using for these posts. This is another book of Sam’s that they no longer want and was passed on to nana to use.

The very first plant-like organisms appeared in the Earth’s oceans around 3,500 million years ago. They used light from the Sun to make food from water and carbon dioxide, releasing oxygen into the air as a by-product. This process is called photosynthesis and was repeated over millions of years until there was enough oxygen in the atmosphere to support other forms of life.

Photosynthesis is it appears bloody important as the survival of pretty much everything depends on it, who knew, not me. This is because it plays an important role in maintaining oxygen levels but it keeps the plants we need for food healthy, didn’t know that either.

Now we all should know that all living things adapt to their environment including plants just look at those plants that survive in the desert like cacti they store large amounts of water in their broad stems and have widespread root systems that are able to collect water from a distance. Making them able to survive in those areas with very little rainfall.

At the other end of things we have plants like the arctic poppies which grow very well in cold climates, on mountains and in dry river beds. You can find them amongst stones which absorb heat from the Sun and provide shelter for their roots, I didn’t know that nor did I know that their flowers continually turn to face the Sun as it makes its way across the sky.

That will do for this week next week we will look at how there is water everywhere.

3 thoughts on “Facts

  1. Dearest Jo-Ann,

    Plants and all other living organisms have become better and stronger over time—the weak ones died off.

    In Indonesia we learned that even some seeds from certain shrubs survive the eruption of a volcano. When it has cooled down enough, they germinate…

    Mind boggling how Mother Nature works!



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