Good morning everyone such a lovely morning here in Newie it is creature day and this week’s creature is the Coconut Octopus heard of it, I haven’t till now.

This octopus is named for its habit of carrying coconut shells across the sea floor and using them to build fortresses. Before construction can begin the octopus must dig up and thoroughly clean its building materials. During this time the shells afford no protection leaving them open to attack from predators including  fish and crabs.

They are the only invertebrate known to use tools and one of only two octopuses known to walk on two of its legs.

When threatened they retreats into two halves of its coconut shell and pulls them together, forming a near impenetrable orb. 


Hello everyone here we are at another Monday so here are five facts about Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia.

Newcastle is a harbour city in the Australian state of New South Wales. Its plentiful beaches are linked by the Bathers Way, a coastal walk stretching between Nobbys Beach and Merewether Beach. The walk provides access to Bogey Hole, a convict-built ocean bath from the colonial period. Also on the path is the 1880s Fort Scratchley, a historic site and a viewpoint for spotting migrating whales.

Founded in 1804 with an area of 261 square kilometres

We are famous for our coal, Newcastle is the largest coal exporting harbour in the world, exporting 159.9 million tonnes of coal in 2017. Beyond the city, the Hunter Region possesses large coal deposits. Geologically, the area is located in the central-eastern part of the Sydney Basin.

We like to be referred to as Novocastrians.

Newcastle and the lower Hunter Region were traditionally occupied by the Awabakal and Worimi Aboriginal People, who called the area Malubimba.

WEEK 8 OF 2023

Sunday again I woke at 4.50am to pee and decided to stay up, it is nice an cool at this time of the day.

By 1pm I had to turn the air con on as I was drenched in sweat again.

Monday is here and I am up washed and ready for the day, in for another hot day.

Sandy came over to take a phone call in private, as in away from Ed.

I went to the podiatrist and my feet are good.

Upset Jess as I forgot she is working tonight ans so she was sleeping when Tim rang her to go meet Sam’s transport.


An early start up at 5.10 after the 5am news as my body was shaking too much to settle. We are in for another bloody hot day.

Tim off to yet another doctors appointment this one with our GP, as soon as he left I turned the air con.

This afternoon while waiting for Tasha I managed to change the bottom half of my clothes granted it took me 10 minutes to do so but still I did it.


Up at 5.10am again same reason as yesterday. Going to be a much cooler day today.

Pissing down rain when it was time to leave taking our last umbrella.

Sandy dropped in to give me postage stamps and to use the loo

Tim at last has at last been able to reset the pin on his computer so he is happy now.

A new day is here no rain this morning, hope it stays that way.

Took Sam up the front not long before it pissed down rain. Sandy had just turned up to get some forms I printed out for her. Turned out fine no more rain today.

Friday again and again I was up at 5.10am needing to pee. I have to wake Tim at 7.30am, he has more medical appointments.

Well Tim needs surgery on his elbow before they will operate on his wrist, not sure how long before that happens.

There was a blow up between Tim and the girls because they said he was told stuff that he can’t remember but I also don’t remember being told so I maybe we were not told.

I will need to talk to the girls about helping me after Tim’s operations as he will not be able to use his right arm for a few weeks.

Up at 5.20am opened the house up and had breakfast before ringing Tasha. I needed to check that she didn’t need her dad’s help this morning.

Had a good talk to her about yesterday’s carry on with Tim and Jess. I explained that we were not told about needing to take Sam to an appointment next Friday despite what Jess is saying. I also pointed out that Jess work schedule changes often and us checking that she is off or working is normal.

Kathy & Syd came over so I had a good shower and Kathy vacuumed while Syd cut up and divided my fruit for the week.


Hello Friday, today I am asking what do others think of milk, I like a class of chocolate milk each morning with my breakfast but have no liking for plain milk.

While talking to Kathy-Lee the other morning she said milk isn’t that good for us and flavoured milk even less so. I don’t get that she wasn’t raised to think that way.

My Mum would always say if you don’t feel like food have a class of milk or better yet have a egg-flip. If you are unfamiliar with the term egg-flip it is just a milkshake with an egg in it. Mum would make it in whatever flavour we wanted, chocolate, strawberry or caramel.

I also would make egg-flips for my daughters in different flavours but Kathy doesn’t do anything like that for her girls. I know Jessica has always given milk to Sam who now at 15yrs old likes a large class of Milo. I believe Tasha use to give Blain egg-flips when he was younger.


Hello everyone this week I am starting a reference book called World’s Most Freaky by Elizabeth Ginis and is published by Australian Geographic in 2019. This book belonged to my grandson Sam aka Leo and he gave it to me to use for my “online thingy” aka my blog.

The book covers Asia, Europe, Africa, Oceania, North America and South America

Within the animal kingdom there’s no shortage of creatures that have evolved specialised bodies and techniques for killing their prey or defending their territory. Understanding these animals is the most important step in conserving these species for the future.

Our first creature is the Proboscis Monkey no other primate has such a large, fleshy, dangling nose as the male proboscis monkey. It’s believed the nose helps increase the volume of their call, impressing females and intimidating rivals.

They have evolved webbed feet and hands to swim quickly a great help when evading the crocodiles that lurk in the rivers of their native Borneo.

Enthusiastic swimmers, both male and female are often seen launching themselves from trees to belly-flop into water below.

They are unable to eat ripe fruit as the sugar ferments and expands in their bellies causing them to bloat which can be deadly. They eat unripe fruit as well as leaves and seeds.

Habitat destruction throughout Borneo means this big-nosed primate is endangered.


Here we are at another Monday which is Aussie Fact day number two and today’s facts are about my state New South Wales.

New South Wales is a southeastern Australian state, distinguished by its coastal cities and national parks. Inland are the rugged Blue Mountains, rainforests and outback towns where opals are mined. Along the coastline are long surfing beaches. The Hunter Valley region, in the north, has dozens of wineries.

It consists of an area of 801,150 square kilometres and a population of something like 8.200 million.

The capital is Sydney, which is home to iconic structures such as the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge.Based on a total site area of 12,368.2sq km, the current population density of the Greater Sydney area is 442.3 persons per square kilometre which includes a number of surrounding national parks. The built urban area is estimated at 4,196sq km which translates to a density of 1,279 persons per square kilometre.

The second largest city is Newcastle or Newie as us locals say it has a population of around 350,000.

The coat of arms of New South Wales is the official coat of arms of the Australian state of New South Wales. It was granted by royal warrant of King Edward VII dated 11 October 1906. Wikipedia

Motto: Orta Recens Quam Pura Nites; “Newly risen, how brightly you shine”

Crest: On a wreath of the colours a rising sun each ray tagged with a flame of fire proper

WEEK 7 OF 2023

An early start today up at 4.45am as I had to pee so just stayed up.

Sandy came over just to hang out for a while. She helped with a few small jobs around the house.

Damn it is a hot day.

Up at 5am found Tim already up, he was restless so got up at 4.30am. A much cooler day.

Went to brush my teeth only to find that my toothpaste was missing, along with Sam’s toothbrush, teenagers……….

Also while toasting my banana bread the baking paper caught fire, I turned the toaster oven off and it went out.

People from the DoH turned up to inspect the renovations, sometime today someone will be here to finish the ramp and paint the side guards.

Blain is back at school and Tasha is back helping me get ready for bed.


The ramp looks completed but when I asked Tim about using it he said no and he will talk to me when he gets up. Also it is wet out and I don’t use the scooter in wet weather. Saw on the family chat that when Tim attempted to use the ramp there was some damaged caused to I don’t know what. The damage is to the bottom part of the door frame.

Tim say we need a board on the outside of the door.

Sam (Leo) didn’t take his meds before school and surprise surprise Jessica rang and asked if Tim could go and fetch him as he was having a bad day.

Been a much cooler day

Another wet morning so no taking the boy up the front by the look of it.

Tim has another doctors appointment as well as another physio appointment for his wrist.

Sandy called in to sort out some paperwork without Ed around. Temika has started at Cardiff High within half an hour she was texting her mum saying she didn’t like it there and wanted to leave.

I will shower myself this afternoon as I have a doctors appointment in Sydney tomorrow.

Had a decent enough sleep up at just after 5am. Not sure what time Tim wants to leave this morning.

The trip to an from Sydney went well, she (neurologist) increased my medication, I am now working my way up to 2 tablets 3 times a day.

Also she referred to my condition as Parkinson’s, so after years of being told I don’t have it, I am now told I do. The medication is for Parkinson’s.

She said I need to get my knee seen to I am still waiting to see a specialist about my knee.

A bloody hot day but we have air conditioning so we coped.

Friday at last and we are in for another hot day.

Took Sam up without a problem.

Sent an email to the neurologist asking for her to give my GP permission to give me copies of her correspondence with him.

Tim off to hand rehab he feels like he has a medical appointment nearly every day. He is also fed up with helping me get ready for bed he doesn’t do it every day but still it is getting to him. It also gets me down needing help.

Saturday here, had to wake Tim to take Tasha to her course and hopefully Jess will be able to pick her up this arvo. When I asked Tim if Jess was getting Tasha he reminded me that Jess & Sam have gone away for the weekend to see a friend who lives up near Casino.

Kathy arrived at 1pm to give me a shower and run the vacuum over the floor. While she was shaving my legs Sandy turned up for no reason other then to get away from her husband (Ed) who was getting on her nerves.

Another stinking hot day.


Well this Saturday and maybe future Saturdays I am posting how I feel about stuff, starting with the neurologist saying I have Parkinson’s. This happened on Thursday at our visit twice she referred to my condition as Parkinson’s, so I asked if I had it and she said yes, with a look that to me said “I thought you knew that”. I could hear my Mum who always thought it was Parkinson’s.

How do I feel about this well I am happy that this diagnoses may help me get help around the house but Parkinson’s isn’t a condition one wants to have. Also this is the third diagnoses I have had, first it was a Functional Tremor, then a Dystonic Tremor and now Parkinson’s. So will it change again.

I know I have gone down hill the last couple of years and expect to continue to go down hill, I just hope the medication acts like a brake an slow me down.

The road ahead is covered in fog and full of pot holes.

I often feel like I am a burden to my family and it will only get worse.

So really I am all over the place with how I am feeling.