Parkinson’s Disease and posture

Time to learn a bit more about Parkinson’s Disease this week at posture and dribbling, first off is posture. Many people thing of the characteristic posture of a slight stoop, with rounded shoulders and arms, legs, hips, and knees bent.

This posture places added strain on the joints and muscles and may cause pain.  While sitting the suffer may find themselves leaning to one sided, this one reason they should sit in chairs with arm support.  You may see a suffer waling with one arm held across the body instead of swinging normally by the side.

With concentration these problems can be corrected but sadly at times the suffer isn’t even aware they are doing these things.

Now dribbling this for me and many other suffers is distressing and it’s caused by excess saliva, it is more about how Parkinson’s reduces the amount of automatic swallowing we all do. Also, if the suffer has a posture problem causing their head to tilt forward which causes the saliva to accumulate at the front of the mouth.  People who find their head tilting forward are told to practice having their head tilted backwards.

Connected with dribbling is swallowing and swallowing can be so difficult at times due to many fac

tors including the disease itself but the drugs we take can make swallowing worse as well causing dry mouth or spasms of the muscles in the throat.  

3 thoughts on “Parkinson’s Disease and posture

  1. Dearest Jo-Anne,

    There are so many little things that will go unnoticed by the majority of people, unless they have some loved one or relative dealing with it.

    Yes, such seemingly little things can impact a person’s life big time!

    We all have to aim for keeping constantly the dignity of any other person suffering Parkinson’s disease or other, in mind and be respectful.

    They are still human beings with a soul and we ought to help and guide and certainly understand them.

    That way we can add still warmth, quality and meaning to their lives.

    Big all around hugs,


    1. With a condition like Parkinson’s that can be seen by all one needs to develop a thick skin and not worry what other people are thinking or talking about, this is me I didn’t choose this but it is what it is and all I can do like others is take life one day at a time

      1. Jo-Anne, that is the only correct attitude. It is what it is and you soldier on and let others think what they want. They too will one day encounter similar difficulties in their life—what they did not ask for or choose either.

        Treating others with respect and dignity seems to be very rare and that is a SAD fact!

        Big all around hugs to you,


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