BPD and Physical Symptoms

Another Thursday means another post about BPD, I want to point out that not everyone with BPD will have all the symptoms I have already mentioned but in order for a diagnosis of BPD they must have at least five of the traits I have already wrote about. Generally, they will include fear of abandonment, intense and unstable relationships and problems with regulating emotions.

Because it is a mental illness that affects emotional regulation people focus on the mental and emotional symptoms. However, there are also physical symptoms which over the next few weeks I will tell you about them.

One is to do with sensory block during dissociation, when this occurs it can distort perception and cause memory loss. During dissociation it is common to feel like your spirit has left your body and you are just staring into space, if tis happens when the person is alone it can take ages to snap out of it.  A person can also find themselves sweating profusely and their pulse increasing, they can have ringing in the ears and tunnel vision.

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