Levodopa and Me

Here we are at another Parkinson’s day, I will share a little more about levodopa and its side effects. All the symptoms of Parkinson’s tend to improve with this drug but it is most effective with treating the slowness of movement and what goes with that.

In fact, for some the improvement can be dramatic, this I know personally as before I was medicated, I was in a terrible way. I was unable shower myself or dress myself, or feed myself, all of which I can now do again and more.

For many it also will improve facial expressions, rigidity and pain can also be helped, this has also been the case with me at this stage the constant pain in my arms and hips have eased a lot.

The tremor, however, has shown some improvement but not as much as I would like, as I still have times when it can be bad.

I have seen very little if any change in how I swallow stuff and I am told my speech is still pretty soft at times and of course my balance can be off at times.

Now some of the side effects of this drug are that it can cause taste problems with things having a metallic taste mostly tea or coffee. Some say it causes a nasty taste in their mouth.

Other people have had sleep disturbances with their mind being overactive and not being able to switch off. This is something I have delt with for many years long before Parkinson’s.

A pretty common side effect is nausea and vomiting when someone starts taking the medication but usually settles after a bit.

It also can cause loss of appetite with a little loss of weight. Ok since being on the drug I have lost 30 kilos which is about 66 pounds, but as I was seriously overweight this has been a good thing.

I will share more next week.

3 thoughts on “Levodopa and Me

  1. Dearest Jo-Anne,

    Thanks to the pharmaceutical industry a lot of the nasty side affects of Parkinson’s can be minimized!

    That is a very positive thing and at least for the time being you are being helped by it.

    Being able to shower and to get dressed is another huge factor.

    Had to deal with that myself as standing up in the shower made me out of breath. But no more. We do regain some strength after a while.

    My uncontrolled leg/foot spasms will remain and there is nothing I can do about it due to nerve damage from two surgeries in groin area.

    For you losing weight was beneficial but for me gaining my weight back is an ongoing struggle. Only step on the scale every Sunday as I don’t want to get obsessed with it.

    Sure, being in such debilitating pain is raising raising my blood pressure and also draining my weight…

    I’m sleeping better though and my afternoon naps have been long, three hours yesterday and two hours today.

    Big hugs and wishing you lots of strength!



    1. Yes we do regain some strength over time, learning to live with body spasms can be frustrating and annoying but we feel better once we do. I only way myself once a week unless I am obsessing about my weight which I try not to do.

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