
Time for another creature and this week it is the Cuttlefish which despite it’s name is not a fish but a mollusc.

This oceanic master of disguise changes colour depending on its surroundings, it has eight arms, two tentacles, three hearts and one of the largest brains compared to its body size of all invertebrates. It has a sharp beak-like mouth that it uses like scissors to open flesh, it then uses its tentacles to tear out the meat.

People have at times found pieces of white feather-shaped cuttle bone washed up on a beach, it’s unique to cuttlefish and what keeps it afloat. Jewellers use it to make moulds for small objects, it’s often given to pet birds as a source of calcium.

“Fresh, raw cuttlefish has a texture and taste superior to squid,” Susman continues. With a light eggwhite and green-melon aroma, a texture that’s tender, and a flavour that boasts mild milky notes and a fresh cream finish, they are stunning raw, but can hold their own in a deep-fried salt-and-pepper play, too

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